Friday, January 29, 2010

Third and final sunset picture- at least for now.

I have somehow managed to stumble into this thing called Facebook. It is not as if I have tried, in fact it was the opposite. I am trying very hard to escape it. It just takes too long with the rubbish internet connection that I have here. But out of curiosity I cannot help wanting to find out who these people are; is it really my schoolfriend that I haven't heard from since I was seventeen? Tonight I went on there and low and behold, there was a comment from my friend Caroline about the last but one blog! She says the following:
Do you know the story of the little girl who looks across the valley at the houses with golden windows? She sets out for the village, and when she gets there she sees her house on the other side of the valley - with the sun shining - and her house with golden windows.
Grass is always greener.
Fabulous photo.


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